In a world where the future of technology and the fight for freedom in crisis areas of the planet dominates the headlines, and where uncertainty lurks around every corner, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. Yet, amidst the noise and confusion, there is always hope, where we as individuals build initiatives that aim to stand tall, and try in their small way to make a difference.

Be Nice Projects is created through compassion, creativity, and community. Our conscious approach to art and charity, we have carved out a unique space where generosity and inspiration converge to help pave the way for a better world.

At the heart of Be Nice Projects lies a simple idea: that art has the power to ignite change. With each curated print, Be Nice Projects offers a glimpse of the enormous talent of artists from around the world but also extends a helping hand to those in need. Through our partnership with Say It Loud charity, we provide support to LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees, offering solidarity to those who have faced unimaginable hardships. But Be Nice Projects is more than just an online gallery or a charitable endeavour; it's a call to action for all who believe in the power of kindness, and the potential for collective impact. Through our magazine, live exhibitions and our yearly round up book, we create spaces where stories are shared, connections are forged, and hearts are touched.In this tri-monthly theme "Freedom & Future," Be Nice Projects invites you to ponder the intersection of art, technology, and humanity. It's a theme that resonates deeply in our rapidly evolving world, where the dawn of AI holds both promise and peril, and where the quest for freedom remains an ever-present struggle.

As we embark on this journey with Be Nice Projects, let us not only marvel at the beauty of the artwork before us but also reflect on the profound significance of our collective actions. For in supporting artists and charitable causes alike, we become agents of change, weaving a tapestry of compassion and hope that stretches far beyond the confines of our own lives.

So, dear reader, I invite you to join me in embracing the mission of Be Nice Projects is on, and standing up for what is good, and in daring to envision a world where art, compassion, kindness and collective action reign… Together, let us build a brighter future—help Be Nice Projects help others - we are not ok, if they’re not ok….AMP presents - Be Nice Projects Vol 2 - Freedom & Future magazine